Roadside Gully - January 20, 2018

by dseasholtz Tue, January 23 2018 21:14

Grabbed a quick ice fix at Roadside Gully on Saturday January 20, 2018. The weather was turning to unseasonably warm temps, and we hit the ice in the morning before things started to deteriorate. I met up with 3 PSU students and we practiced our mantling technique surmounting the steeper bulges on the low angle approach gully. Another party from Gettysburg climbed on up into the Amphitheater. GoPro Video here: Roadside Gully - January 20, 2018.   Pics of Roadside Gully - 1/20/2018 below.

(1/21/2018 Update: Took another trip up the Renovo Road on Sunday, and the warm temps had already deteriorated Roadside's approach gully and sections had opened up to view the running water below. Hidden Amphitheater was still open running water, but the Gemini Gullies looked really good while viewing across the river from Rt 120. The weather forecast for the coming week is dismal, with temps bumping up into the 50's and rain. We will need another extended cold spell to recover from this unseasonable hit.)










Lock Haven / Renovo

Roadside Gully - January 14, 2018

by dseasholtz Sun, January 14 2018 18:13

Son of a bitch!!! I took a ride up Rt. 120 to take a couple of damage report pics of what a assumed would be the dismal remains of our early season ice. I pull up to Roadside Gully, and find the low angle approach holding strong and the steep upper tiers still looking climbable. Only route not touching down was Glass Menagerie on the third tier. A bud of mine was soloing up the low angle stuff and I took a few shots. He did note that the low angle ice seemed hollow and could hear water running under the ice. With the increased flow, the low angle stuff should be fine, but the steeper lines may be a bit delaminated from the rock.

As expected, Hidden Amphitheater was completely wiped out with Green Run now an open roaring waterfall. But, since Roadside and the Gemini Gullies are spring fed, they survived the monsoon last Friday, and will continue to grow in the seasonal cold temps.

Still kicking myself for not throwing the ice gear the car... 





Lock Haven / Renovo

Roadside Gully - December 30, 2017

by dseasholtz Sat, December 30 2017 11:59

Have at it folks! These early season cold temps have Roadside Gully in better condition than we have seen in the past 3 years. The low angle approach is filled in and lead-able. (GoPro footage on the lower grade 2 approach: Roadside Gully - 12/30/2017) In the upper amphitheater, both the first steep bulge and the second tier look to go. The third steep tier is not yet ready, and Glass Menagerie has a ways to touch down.  The low water flow, while hurting other climbing areas, is why the low angle approach is now climbable this early in the season. I would think Hidden Amphitheater and the Gemini's both will also allow passage. Time to climb!





Lock Haven / Renovo

WELCOME - November 15, 2017

by dseasholtz Wed, November 15 2017 15:47

Cold weather is coming! Lets hope for favorable conditions this year.

Feel free to check our Ice Condition Archive Pages located along the right sidebar to see what we can expect if the weather cooperates. Please use this site and to assist you in determining where to climb.

HELP WANTED! Please help keep this site up to date. Use the conditions form listed on the "Submit" tab above, or email your Pennsylvania Ice Climbing trip reports and photos to and I will post them to this site.



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